ViewportScroller service in angular
In angular ViewportScoller service could be used for adjusting scroll position on the page or disable scroll on the page.
Will be exploring methods provided by this service-
Scroll to an anchor tag (link)
Inject the ViewportScroller service, set id on the anchor tag. method scrollToAnchor accepts anchor tag id. It scroll the page to the anchor.
Scroll to a pixel position on a page (link)
scrollToPosition method could take a two values for x and y position.
using x as 0 and y as 900. This coordinate will make it as a vertical scroll.
Get the current scroll position
The service provides a method to get current scroll position. This found helpful in a case when want to disable scroll when doing modal window or pop over and on dismiss restore the position.
First Click
Move the scroll position to bottom of the page using anchor tag position. notice scroll position in console.
Second click
Move to 0,700 position. using position method.
Third Click
It resets the scroll position to top of page.
Thank you for reading.